Ngā Pōtiki are the mana whenua of the land that Tahatai Coast School sits on.  We have built a healthy relationship with Ngā Pōtiki and recognise Tahuwhakatiki and Mangatawa as the marae of the haukāinga.  

Mana Whenua

Ngā Pōtiki are the mana whenua of the land that Tahatai Coast School sits on. We have built a healthy relationship with Ngā Pōtiki and recognise Tahuwhakatiki and Mangatawa as the marae of the haukāinga.  

Tahuwhakatiki descends from Hei (Te Arawa), through Waitaha and also Ranginui (Ngāti Ranginui), through Tutereinga. Rongomainohorangi is the father of Tamapahore who descends from Tōroa.

The Ngā Pōtiki Boundaries

“Kua whakataua ki a Ngā Pōtiki te poraka whenua katoa e mai nei ngā rohe.

Ka timata ki Parakiri ki te taha o te moana maro tonu te raina ki Kainohu ki Tauranga Moana.

Ka haere rā te taha o te wai o Tauranga Moana.

Ka tae ki te puaha o Waitao, awa ka tika ki roto ki te awa o Waitao tae atu ki Kaiate, ka tika ki Kaiate awa tae ki te wāhanga ki te ara o Ōwairoa.

Hai reirā ka maro te raina ki Te Whare o Tarakeho (teihana ruri) maro tonu atu te haere o tana raina tae atu ki te kotinga mai o te rohe o Āwau ki Waitaha.

Hai reirā ka haere whakaterawhiti ki runga ki taua raina tae ki Kōpūaroa arā te raina o te rohe i tangohia e te kāwanatanga ā puta ki te moana ki Wairākei arā te taha moana tae rawa ki te timatanga rā anō ki Parakiri.”

(Kei roto ki tēnei hoki te whenua e keremetia ana e Enoka Te Whanake rāua ko Ruka Tamakohe ki runga ki tō rāua tupuna ki Tumakairoro).

Our rohe runs along the coast from Parakiri (Ōmanu Beach) to Wairākei and extends in a straight line inland to Kōpūāroa, Ōtawa maunga, Te Kaiate Stream, follows Te Awa o Waitao (and catchments) directly across to Ōruamatua and to Kainohu (Te Manga) and back to Parakiri on the coast. The area is inclusive of Ōtara maunga and Te Rae o Pāpāmoa.

Ngā Pōtiki Boundaries Map