There are many ways that we celebrate the success of our ākonga/students at Tahatai Coast School.  A lot of what we celebrate revolves around our five key Explorer Values.


Certificates are given to the ākonga/student based on the Tahatai Explorer Values.  When an ākonga receives a certificate, they also receive two Whare tokens.   

Values Badges

Explorer Values

What this means to the 
ākonga at TCS
What this means to the 
adults at TCS

Te Hiranga Whaiaro /Personal Excellence

  • Staying focused and completing your work to the best of your ability.
  • Working towards your goals.
  • Doing work that you can be proud of.
  • Join activities and find your passion.
  • Thinking ‘yet’ instead of ‘can’t’ when it gets hard – ‘Riding the waves of learning.’
  • Self-reflection on practice.
  • Seeking help from colleagues.
  • Challenging the status quo.
  • Going above and beyond.
  • Modelling - lead by example.
  • Supporting each other.
  • Upskilling and using what we have learnt - personal PD.

Haepapa / Responsibility

  • Looking after our environment - inside and outside.
  • Managing yourself and your day to day responsibilities.
  • Using equipment properly and safely.
  • Staying focused and listening to instructions.
  • Share responsibility for the learning/welfare of all children at TCS.
  • Code of Conduct - Teacher Registration.
  • Contributing to staff/team meetings.
  • Being planned and prepared for lessons.
Tika / Integrity
  • Doing the right thing at the right time even when no one is looking.
  • Being honest and kind.
  • Own your mistakes/problems - others can help.
  • Follow through with your commitments.
  • Speaking up when something doesn’t feel right.
  • Be a good role model.
  • Students are at the heart of all decision making.
  • Engaging in positive interactions with all.
  • Following through with what you’ve said.
  • Being empathetic & considerate of others.
  • Seeing the viewpoint of others.
  • Being a team player.
Whākaute / Respect 

  • Using manners.
  • Helping and including others.
  • Treat others as you would wish to be treated.
  • Appreciating differences and learning from each other.
  • Actively listen and respond respectfully.

  • Welcoming to students, staff and whānau.
  • Manners, kind words, professional conversations.
  • Respectful of others' contributions.
  • Being open minded and considerate of other people’s beliefs.
  • Check in and support colleagues.
Te Manawanui / Perseverance

  • Keep trying your best even when something is hard/challenging.
  • Learn from your mistakes.
  • Try new things and challenge yourself.
  • Positive self-talk.
  • Have a growth mindset.
  • Have a growth mindset.
  • Seeing the bigger picture and keeping things in perspective.
  • Make informed changes to our practice based on teaching as inquiry and PD.

Reporting Student Achievement to Whānau

At Tahatai, we have an open door policy, in that parents/caregivers can email their child’s kaiako/teacher at any time during the year to arrange a hui/meeting to discuss their child’s learning, social development and/or to raise any concerns or celebrations you may have.  

We endeavour to keep our whānau fully informed of their child’s progress and hui/meetings are held at set points throughout the year.     

We start the year with Whānau Hui/Meet the Teacher. Times for these hui are booked through School Interviews and are in 10 minute slots.  These hui are a great opportunity for whānau to share any insights into their child's learning, family circumstances and/or behavioural concerns.  Teachers also use this time to introduce themselves, discuss classroom expectations and give whānau an overview of the learning that will occur during the term and how they can support their child with their learning at home. 

Formal reports are sent home at the end of Terms 2 & 4.  These cover the curriculum areas and include how an ākonga/student is tracking in reading, writing and mathematics, and developing in the ‘Explorer Skills’ and ‘Explorer Values.’

We also hold ‘Teacher, Parents/Caregiver and Student Conferences’ at the end of Term 1 and at the beginning of Term 3.  Again, these conferences are booked through School Interviews but are in 15 minute slots.  In Term 1, recent assessment is discussed, goals are shared, an outline of the learning in Term 2 is given and the ākonga share some of their learning.  In Term 3, the Term 2 reports are discussed and goals set for ākonga.  Recent assessment data is discussed and an outline of the learning the ākonga will have in Term 3 is given.  


We hold whole school assemblies on a Monday afternoon every fortnight.  These assemblies are a great time to share whole school messages and to come together as a group to sing.  Towards the end of each school term, we have Celebration Assemblies.  These are held at two separate times, one for Years 0-2 and the other for Years 3-6.  These assemblies are to celebrate the successes the tamariki have had across the curriculum areas.  Usually there are arts performances by groups of ākonga.  

Whare Points

When an ākonga/student joins us at Tahatai, they are put into one of the four school Whare (Mōtītī, Matakana, Tūhua or Whakaari).

The focus for Whare points inside and outside the classroom are the Tahatai Coast School Explorer Values.  Two points are given when an ākonga/student receives a values certificate and one point is given in the playground for showing the values.  The tamariki/children enjoy putting their tokens in the token cabinet and checking out their Whare totals that are updated every week and displayed on the window of the boardroom, near the astroturf.  

At school sporting events such as cross country, athletics and swimming, the main focus is on participation and Whare ‘spirit.’ Points are given for everyone that participates in these events, the way in which the ākonga/students support each other and for dressing up in their Whare colours.  Points are also given for place getters but we aim to find a balance between having fun, school ‘spirit,’ participation, and having the capable athletes excel.   

At the end of the school year, the final totals and placers are announced at a school assembly and the winning Whare has the name of the Whare added to the ‘House Treasure.’

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