Frequently Asked Questions

Each school is unique and we have collated some of the most frequently asked questions from our whānau and their answers.  If you have any further questions that are not covered, please contact the school office by phone (07) 572 4600, or email [email protected]

Enrolling your child with us 6 months before they turn 5 years old, helps us with our planning and staffing. It also ensures that we have your contact information and can therefore make contact with you as your child approaches their birthday. More information about enrolment

Your child is able to start school as soon as they turn 5 years old. Some of our families prefer to have their child start school on their birthday, while others prefer to wait for a Monday to start school.

If your child starts school during Term 1, they are classified as a Year 1 student and they will go into Year 2 the following year. If your child starts school during Terms 2, 3, or 4, they are classified as a Year 0 student and will be a Year 1 student the following year.

Help them to develop independence with:

  • Putting on and taking off shoes
  • Putting on and taking off sweatshirts
  • Blowing their nose
  • Unpacking their bag
  • Toileting

On enrolment, Kirsten Bell (Tumuaki Kaiāwhina/Assistant Principal) will phone you to share the process of transitioning into school.  More information about enrolment

Lost property is kept in the shelving unit outside of the library during school hours.  Parents/caregivers are encouraged to check the clothing box regularly to collect lost items.  All unclaimed property is disposed of at the end of each term.  Items that are clearly named are taken to the school office and returned to the student.

No, we opted into the Ministry of Education donation scheme.  This amount per child does not cover donations for school camps.   

There is an Administering Medication at School form that will need to be filled out. Please ask the office staff for a form. The medication will need to be dropped into the school office where it will be kept either in the fridge or in a locked cupboard in the school sickbay. Office Staff will administer the medication at the allocated time given on the form.

The office is open Monday to Friday from 8:10am to 3:00pm.  More about School Hours and Term Dates.

Our incredible PTA are always looking for new members or people that can help at fundraising events.  Please contact the PTA by email if you can help: [email protected]

At the beginning of each school year, stationery can be purchased online through OfficeMax, details on how to do this are emailed out at the end of the previous school year. For New Entrant students starting with us, the stationery ordering is explained at the New Entrant meeting that is held before they start school. For students that join us throughout the school year that have been enrolled at a previous school, we encourage you to bring any stationery that you have been using.

All of our school uniform items are available for purchase from the school office. More on uniform requirements.

We encourage the children to not bring toys to school.  Sometimes they may bring them in for sharing during ‘News Time,’ which is used in Year 1 & 2 to develop a child’s oral language.  All toys are brought to school at the owner's risk. 

In the morning, we have a ‘Kiss’n’Go’ set-up in the entrance at the front of the school.  We have plenty of parking outside of the school.  We politely ask all parents/caregiver and whānau to refrain from parking on the grassed areas and yellow lines. This creates a safety hazard for children.

These are kept in the locked Bike Bay at the front of the school.  Every Wednesday, weather permitting, we have Wednesday Wheels Day on the basketball court at the far end of the school field.  Safety helmets must be worn at all times. 

Currently we have straight year groups at school.  This changes as numbers fluctuate and is based on the funding we receive.  All of the classes within a year group form a Whānau and are represented by a native Aotearoa/New Zealand bird.  

Cellphones are only permitted for safety and parental contact reasons outside of school hours. Cellphones must be handed to the child's teacher upon arrival at school, where they are stored securely. These can be collected again at the end of the school day. The school takes no responsibility for lost or stolen cellphones if this protocol is not followed.

If you have a concern or complaint that you would like to raise with us, please follow the Concerns and Complaints Process chart below from SchoolDocs. 

All of our school policies and procedures, including concerns and complaints can be found online by visiting the SchoolDocs website and logging into Tahatai Coast School.

Username: tahatai 
Password: coast

No jewellery please - except for small stud earrings and taonga (jewellery of significance to the wearer).  Clear nail polish can be worn but no other make-up. 

Your child’s health, safety and whereabouts are of critical significance to the school. All absences or lateness should be explained by a telephone call (07) 572 4600 to the school office or text 027 878 2426 before 8:40am.  Please state your child’s name, room number and reason for absence. 

If you are planning to take your child out of school for any reason other than illness (for example family holiday), you are required to write to/email the principal for permission (section 29 of the Education Act 1989).  Tahatai Coast School actively monitors attendance, and sends out the attendance rate of all the children in Week 5 and 10 of each school Term. 

If your child is not in class by 8.40am, they must come into the office to sign in on our VisTab.  

If you need to pick your child up before 2.30pm you need to go to the school office to sign your child out via the VisTab. The office team will phone the classroom for your child to meet you in the office.  

Should a child’s health be of concern during the school day, parents/caregivers will be contacted and asked to pick up their child from school. The medical room is only equipped to provide temporary accommodation.  Sick children are happiest and safest when cared for by their own family.

Children experiencing specific learning difficulties are supported by a multitude of acceleration programmes designed by the school. If you are concerned about your child’s progress, achievement or well being, please talk to your child’s teacher or one of the leadership team.  Alternatively you could speak with our school SENCO/AP - Charlotte James.  She is contactable by email: [email protected]

In Terms 1 & 4, children are required to wear a sun hat when outside.  Bucket and wide brimmed hats can be purchased from the school office for $20.00 each.  No non-school uniform hats please!   More about uniforms.

School hours are between 8.40am - 2.30pm Monday to Friday. Lunch time is 12:00 - 12:55pm. School Hours.

Classrooms are open for children from 8.10am.

We do not encourage children prior to this time due to safety reasons. Kaiako/teachers are busy in their classrooms preparing for their day and children are not supervised in the playground.

Yes, we formally welcome all new ākonga/students, whānau/families and kaimahi/staff by way of pōhiri or mihi whakatau.  We hold a formal pōhiri at the start of Term 1 every year.  We then have mihi whakatau in Week 6 of Term 1, and in Weeks 1 and 6 of Terms 2-4.  At the completion of our pōhiri and mihi whakatau, we ask everyone to join us in the school hall to have a hot drink and something to eat.  Both our pōhiri and mihi whakatau start at 9:15am.  All manuhiri/new people are asked to assemble by the pou at the main entrance to the school by 9:10am.   

Partnership between parents and school is key to children's learning. There are many ways you can get involved, from helping in the classroom, attending school trips and events, coaching/managing sports teams and participating in the PTA to name but a few.  Please let us know if you would like to offer your help in any way. The PTA can be contacted by emailing: [email protected]