After consultation with our learners, community and staff, our Board of Trustees sets the overall strategic direction of the school, plans, goals and budgets.

Annual Financial ReportSubtitle

The annual financial report is a key accountability document that school boards are required to prepare to inform and report to stakeholders including the Ministry, Members of Parliament, parents, and the wider community of schools and kura.

It shows how school boards have applied their financial resources to achieve the goals set out in their strategic plan.

Annual Financial Report

Click for latest annual financial report

Strategic Plan

The Tahatai Coast School’s strategic plan is a key planning document that sets out the school’s objectives and targets for the year.

The strategic plan is put in place at the start of the school year, so that it can then be effective in setting teaching and learning programmes and guiding the activities of our school.

The purpose of a strategic plan is to establish the mission, aims, objectives, directions and targets of the Board that will give effect to the Government’s National Education Guidelines and the Board’s priorities.

Strategic Plan

The Tahatai Coast School’s strategic plan poster.

Annual Implementation PlanSubtitle

An annual implementation plan sets the annual targets and actions for working towards the strategic goals, including how progress will be monitored.

Implementation Plan

Read our 2024 annual implementation plan.

ERO Reports

The Education Review Office (ERO) is the New Zealand government department that evaluates and reports on the education and care of students in schools and early childhood services.

ERO’s reports are used by parents, teachers, early childhood education managers, school principals and trustees, and by government policy makers.

Education reviews are reports to boards of trustees, managers of early childhood education services and the Government on the quality of education provided for children and students in individual centres and schools. Schools and early childhood services are reviewed on average once every three years.

ERO's reports on individual schools and early childhood services are freely available to the public.

Please click here to view our latest ERO Report.

ERO Report

ERO's reports on individual schools and early childhood services are freely available to the public.

Policies and Procedures

All school Boards of Trustees are required to have policies that broadly govern how the school is run. From these policies, procedures are created to add more specific detail and guidance around day-to-say practices in the school. If you would like to read our school policies you can access them through SchoolDocs – an online document hosting portal. Although the policies are public documents, SchoolDocs requires some authentication to access them.

Our policies and procedures have been approved by the Tahatai Coast School Board of Trustees to ensure the smooth and successful operation of the school and to make sure the school meets all of its legal obligations.

All of our school policies and procedures can be found online by visiting the SchoolDocs website and logging into Tahatai Coast School.

Username: tahatai
Password: coast

Policies & Procedures

All of our school policies and procedures can be found online by visiting the SchoolDocs website and logging into Tahatai Coast School.

Username: tahatai
Password: coast